

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2022-11-17 发布人:
Generally, when we buy a whole duck, it will have duck wings, duck legs, and two duck breasts. How can we split a whole duck at home? Now let's share the whole duck's cutting methods and splitting skills.
How to chop a whole duck:
1. First, remove the blood and water from the whole duck, and then we will start to split the whole duck. Remove the small V-shaped bone in front of the duck breast.
2. First of all, there is a baby bone between the two duck breasts, which is V-shaped. You need to remove this small bone before you can take out the duck meat. Otherwise, this bone will hinder us. Remove it first.
3. Remove the extra skin from the duck. If it is too long, we will lose sight of the bones.
4. Use a knife to slowly cut the meat on the skull against the bone.
5. Then we can break the bone with our hands. It looks like this small V-shaped bone.
To remove duck wings:
Next, remove the wings of the duck and cut them from the pasterns of the duck. They can be easily cut off.
Duck Leg Removal:
1. Turn the duck upside down. This needs to be taken from the duck's back
2. Lay the duck flat on the bottom of the case, and two pieces of leg meat will protrude from the kick, which can be taken out, as shown in the figure:
3. Just stab it down with a knife and take it out. Cut it slowly with a knife
4. Then turn it over and cut it from here so as not to crack the skin of the duck breast.
5. Next, you can easily remove the duck leg meat. Note that there will be bone connections when removing it. Pull your hand back and cut along the bone when you hear a "pop".
6. After the duck leg is cut out, dispose of the excess meat, so that the two duck legs are quickly removed.
To duck butt:
The duck butt must be removed, and must not be used to cook soup, otherwise the soup will be very sour.
Duck breast meat removal:
1. The duck breast should be cut from the midline, which has a cartilage. The big and small edges are the same. Cut high and cut in the middle, not oblique.
2. When the middle part is cut, cut it along the cartilage to the pastern position of the duck stick, pull it back to separate, and then cut it from the pastern position to separate, so that the duck breast can be taken out, and the other side is the same.
3. Note: Cut to the position of the duck stick. Then cut it from the back to keep the integrity of the duck breast as much as possible.
4. The first piece of duck breast meat may need to be processed between the duck breast and the duck stick. Just cut it close to it, so that the duck stick can be taken out easily.
In this way, the whole duck is basically disassembled, and the core is the four pieces.
The above is a detailed introduction of Zuoxian Duck, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services http://www.zuixianya888.com

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

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