

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2021-12-09 发布人:
醉仙鸭精选数十种中药,科学配方,定时腌制,低温高压。 香气扑鼻可口,外酥里嫩,香脆爽口。 食后有助消化、健脾开胃、强筋健骨。 骨骼、美容养颜、抗衰老多重成效。 醉仙鸭由数十种中药精挑细选,科学配方,定时腌制,低温高压制成。 香气扑鼻,外脆内嫩,香脆爽口,食后健脾健脾。 具有强筋骨、美肤、抗衰老等多种功用,深受消费者欢送。  
Drunk Xian Duck selects dozens of Chinese medicines, scientific formulas, regular pickling, low temperature and high pressure. The aroma is pungent and delicious, crisp on the outside, tender on the inside, crispy and refreshing. After eating, it helps digestion, invigorates the spleen and appetite, strengthens muscles and bones. Multiple effects on bones, beauty and anti-aging. Drunk Xian Duck is made by carefully selected dozens of Chinese medicines, scientific formula, fixed time pickling, low temperature and high pressure. The aroma is fragrant, crisp on the outside, tender on the inside, crispy and refreshing, and invigorates the spleen and spleen after eating. It has many functions such as strengthening muscles and bones, beautifying skin, anti-aging, etc., which is well received by consumers.
醉仙鸭机采用传统京式烤鸭炉,经高温油炸,到达皮脆、肉嫩、口感好、骨酥的理想效果。 醉仙鸭消费机器操作要点: 
The drunk duck machine uses the traditional Beijing-style roast duck oven, which is deep-fried at high temperature to achieve the ideal effect of crispy skin, tender meat, good taste and bone crisp. The main points of the operation of the drunk fairy duck consumer machine:
1、醉仙鸭普通采用三相电。 关于普通家庭用电来说,曾经满足不了需求了。 您能够向电工寻求协助。 普通费用不到100元。 能够到达目的,气电两用机,如燃气接液化气,仍采用三相电,重选请求同上。  
1. The drunk fairy duck generally uses three-phase electricity. Regarding ordinary household electricity consumption, it was once inadequate to meet the demand. You can seek help from an electrician. The ordinary cost is less than 100 yuan. To achieve the purpose, gas and electricity dual-purpose machines, such as gas and liquefied gas, still use three-phase electricity, and the reselection request is the same as above.
2、煎鸭子时先放鸭身,鸭脖及以上局部放在外面。 这样做的目的是由于鸭脖局部相关于腹部来说更容易烹饪,假如放在油底壳里,会形成零件烧焦,不利于整体美感的展示。  
2. When frying the duck, put the duck body first, and put the duck neck and above part outside. The purpose of this is that the duck neck is easier to cook because the part of the duck neck is related to the abdomen. If it is placed in the oil pan, the parts will be burnt, which is not conducive to the display of the overall beauty.
3、当油温到达请求时,即可连续煎炸。 同时,鉴于鸭油的特性,油箱内的油量会不时上升,所以要经常加油,以坚持醉仙鸭炉油箱油均衡不溢出。 
3. When the oil temperature reaches the request, it can be fried continuously. At the same time, due to the characteristics of duck oil, the amount of oil in the oil tank will increase from time to time, so it is necessary to refuel frequently to ensure that the oil in the oil tank of the drunken duck furnace is balanced and does not overflow.

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

电话:13406416610(同微信号) 座机:400-996-6653 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区张庄路老屯茶城259号醉仙鸭鸡叉骨大王 
