

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2022-03-16 发布人:
The taste of Zuixian duck is directly affected by the quality of the duck itself. Today, let's take a look at the correct feeding methods of ducks:
Suggestions of Zuixian duck on duck breeding
1. A duck shed of about 2 square meters can be built in a place with good sunshine, drainage and ventilation to raise ducks. A metal net with a height of about 50 cm shall be enclosed around the duck shed. Ducks belong to waterfowl. Duck sheds are often wet and full of feces and urine.
2. The way to keep the duck shed dry is to remove feces and urine, ventilate and expose to the sun and sprinkle dry sand, or pave the floor with small gaps made of bamboo strips and wooden boards on the ground in advance.
3. Ducks should be stocked. In the process of stocking, ducks will look for food by themselves. Ducks are stupid and can't peck on trees, which provides a guarantee for grazing on low hurdles in orchards. All orchards with good soil and water conditions, high trunk or aging apples, pears, apricots, hawthorns, persimmons and walnuts can be stocked.
4. In order to supplement the lack of feed during stocking, ducks should be supplemented in time. Ducklings are released from the age of 4 weeks, and the early stage is the brooding period, which can be kept in captivity and cage. The ducklings were supplemented once in the morning and evening to supplement their energy deficiency. With the growth of ducklings, the supplementary feeding of ducklings can be decided according to the fact that ducklings peck weeds, wild vegetables and insects. During the period dominated by stocking, supplementary feeding shall be carried out after returning to the shed in the evening, and sufficient drinking water shall be prepared to meet the drinking demand.
5. Ducks cannot be touched casually because they have a strong sense of vigilance. We should first gently touch its body, then hold its abdomen with both hands and hold it up. After touching the duck, wash it with medicated soap or alcohol in order to prevent infection with the bacteria carried by the duck and prevent the occurrence of Salmonella and other molds.
6. The method of training ducks to go into the water depends on the weather and temperature. When it is sunny and warm, they should go into the water every day, but not in rainy days and low temperatures. After getting into the water and ashore, let the ducks comb and dry their feathers in a windless and warm place, and then rush back to the duck house.
The above is a detailed introduction about drunk fairy duck. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.zuixianya888.com

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

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