

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2022-06-08 发布人:
A method of sex discrimination for ducks
Shape identification method
Generally, the head is large, the nostrils are narrow, the body is round, and the male duck has a sharp tail, while the head is small, the nostrils are roughly round, the body is flat, and the tail is scattered, and the female duck.
A method of sex discrimination for ducks
Sounding tube identification method
The sounding tube, also known as the lower larynx, is located at the top of the bifurcation of the trachea. Here the male duck has an enlarged spherical tympanum with a diameter of 3 ~ 4 mm. It can be felt from the outside chest. The female duck does not have this sounding tube.
A method of sex discrimination for ducks
Anal palpation method
Hold the newborn duckling with his left hand with his back to the sky and his abdomen to the bottom, gently clip the neck with his thumb and index finger, gently lift the lower part of the anus with his right thumb and index finger, press it forward first, and then move backward. If he feels a protruding thing the size of hemp or rapeseed, it is a male duckling, otherwise it is a female duckling.
A method of sex discrimination for ducks
Identification of anal eversion
Hold the newborn duckling in the left hand, clamp the neck of the duck with the middle finger and ring finger, head outward, abdomen upward, and form a supine position. Then use the thumb and index finger of your right hand to separate the feathers next to the anus and squeeze out the meconium. Gently open the anus and turn it out. Male and ducklings can see protuberances (penises) about 4mm long, while female ducks have no or only residual traces.
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