

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2024-02-10 发布人:


Drunken Immortal Duck can be heated in a microwave, oven, or firewood.


It is best to place the microwave in a plate and wrap it with cling film. During the heating process, pay attention to observation to avoid overheating and scorching.

柴火灶加热的话,先把削成片状的烤鸭倒到热锅当中,再用铲子来回地翻动,待煸炒1~2分钟之后将其控出油,再装盘即可食用。炒的时间不宜过长,否则皮焦肉老,风味全无。醉仙鸭由几十种中药精心选料,科学配方,定时腌制,低温高压而成,香气扑鼻色鲜味美,外脆内嫩,香酥爽口,食后具有消化 健脾开胃.强筋壮骨,美容养颜,抗衰老多种功效,深受广大消费者欢迎。

If using a firewood stove to heat up, first pour the sliced roast duck into a hot pot, then stir fry back and forth with a shovel for 1-2 minutes, then control the oil out, and then put it on a plate for consumption. The frying time should not be too long, otherwise the skin will be burnt and the meat will age, and the flavor will be completely lost. Drunken Immortal Duck is carefully selected from dozens of traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, scientifically formulated, marinated at regular intervals, and made under low temperature and high pressure. It has a fragrant and delicious aroma, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and is crispy and refreshing. After consumption, it has various effects such as digestion, spleen strengthening, appetite opening, strengthening tendons and bones, beauty and anti-aging, and is highly welcomed by consumers.


Ingredients: whole duck


Ingredients: cardamom, Angelica dahurica, grass fruit, Sichuan pepper, fennel, star anise, cinnamon, scallions, ginger, garlic, fragrant leaves,

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Seasonings: soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce, Douban sauce, tea oil, salt, light soy sauce


Time: 15 hours


1. After slaughtering the duck, empty its internal organs and clean them thoroughly.


2. Massage the entire body of the duck meat with salt, allowing the salt to fully blend with the meat. Then marinate the duck meat with sesame oil, soy sauce, various spices, and scallions, ginger, and garlic for more than 12 hours.


3. Wash the marinated duck meat thoroughly, remove all seasoning, and use kitchen paper to dry the water on the duck meat.


4. Prepare a large pot and fry the whole duck when the oil temperature is 80% hot. The duck meat will have a golden and crispy surface, and it can be cooked.


5. Cut the duck meat into pieces with a knife, dip it in water with garlic, soy sauce, millet, salt, and cilantro, and it's ready to serve.

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

电话:13406416610(同微信号) 座机:400-996-6653 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区张庄路老屯茶城259号醉仙鸭鸡叉骨大王 
