

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2024-02-22 发布人:


1. Don't engage in high-tech and immature industries in the market


Although these industries may seem profitable, the threshold is actually very high. Without strong capital support, it is difficult for you to persist for a long time and naturally cannot wait for the day of success.


2. Why not start a small business in partnership with others


It's best to start a small business on your own, don't partner with others, because even friends or relatives who play well on a daily basis can cause countless troubles that you can't imagine once they are related to interests! The more factors that affect a project, the greater the likelihood of failure! So it's better to spend money and hire employees than to collaborate! But there is an important issue to pay attention to when recruiting employees: the core technology of your project must be firmly controlled in your own hands! If the core technology cannot be controlled, then hiring employees is cultivating competitors for oneself!



3. It is not recommended for beginners to sell products with high costs, as the risk is too high


A product with a cost of 100 is sold for 300, while a product with a cost of 1000 is sold for 1200. Although their returns are the same, which one has a higher investment, higher risk, and slower return on investment doesn't need me to say much. For novice entrepreneurs, selling products with high costs carries enormous risks! Pre stocking is a significant investment, and product storage and safety issues also require constant attention. If it doesn't sell well, the outcome can be imagined.


4. Don't touch the investment promotion franchise


For first-time small business owners, it's better not to engage in investment and franchise projects because you don't have entrepreneurial experience, so your discernment ability is often not strong enough, and you don't know how to observe and analyze the market. The water involved in this franchise is too deep, and if you accidentally drown yourself!


Not long ago, a netizen from Hunan told me that after watching an investment advertisement, I joined a clothing brand, but because the goods were different from what I promised when I joined, I couldn't sell them at all. In less than half a year, I had already lost tens of thousands of yuan, of which 50000 yuan was borrowed from relatives, and I don't know what to do... Nowadays, there are countless advertisements for attracting franchisees, and they are all done very well. They are indeed very tempting and confusing, and if you don't pay attention, you will be deceived. Grassroots entrepreneurs generally have a low risk-taking ability, and once their entrepreneurship fails, it may be difficult for them to turn around for several years! Everyone must keep their eyes open!


This article is dedicated to the friendship of Drunken Immortal Duck. For more information, please click: http://www.zuixianya888.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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