

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2022-08-04 发布人:
With the continuous improvement of living standards, our choices are also increasing. Many people buy ducks in the streets and alleys. The reason why Zuixian duck has become the representative of Camellia duck is that it has the following characteristics:
Three characteristics:
First of all, it has excellent raw material beer duck. Beer duck has good variety, plump body, delicate muscle and fat layer. In the early years, Zuixian duck had its own duck house. After buying duck chicks from outside, it
feed. Now Zuixian duck has signed a purchase and sales contract with duck farms in the suburbs of Beijing to guide duck farms to feed Zuixian ducks according to the quality standards, so as to ensure the quality of ducks.
Secondly, its unique Zuixian duck technology and unique Zuixian duck formula have their own teachers to manage the line of training students; The cooking team is strong and skilled, and the old technicians are experienced and learn
Staff should undergo strict training and assessment.
Then it has a unique taste. Zuixian duck has a full appearance, golden yellow color, bright and greasy, crisp skin, scorched outside and tender inside, delicious taste, fragrant but not greasy.
So, what about the nutritional value of Zuixian duck? According to the scientific determination of relevant departments, Zuixian duck contains protein, fat, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, minerals and other nutrients.
Compared with the weight of protein in 100g edible part, the protein content of Zuixian duck (19.2) is higher than that of pork (9.5), goose (10.5), mutton (13.3), and slightly lower than that of beef (20.1) and chicken
( 21.5 )。
( 21.5 )。
Most of the fat of Zuixian duck is evenly distributed in the texture of muscle tissue, which is an important reason why Zuixian duck is tender and delicious. The content of vitamin B in Zuixian duck is 0.12 mg / 100g
The content of vitamin B2 is 0.23 mg /100 G. The contents of various minerals in beer duck are roughly similar to those in other meat foods. The sugar content of duck meat is low, but in general, it is drunk
鸭与啤洒一起配合,从而增加了醉仙鸭的的糖类成分,从而弥补了醉仙鸭自身营养价值上的这一方面的缺陷 ,大大增加了醉仙鸭的营养价值
Duck and beer sprinkle work together, which increases the sugar content of Zuixian duck, thus making up for the deficiencies in the nutritional value of Zuixian duck itself, and greatly increasing the nutritional value of Zuixian duck
When people eat Zuixian duck, they often use scallions, garlic and cucumber strips. These foods are eaten together with Zuixian duck, which can not only pray for the role of acid-base balance, but also vitamin C and diet in these foods
食纤维具有使胆固醇下 降和纤维蛋白质溶解活性升高,帮助消化的功能。她们提高了醉仙鸭的营养价值,增强了醉仙鸭的风味特色,使其肥而
Eating fiber can reduce cholesterol and increase fibrinolytic activity, and help digestion. They have improved the nutritional value of Zuixian duck, enhanced the flavor characteristics of Zuixian duck, and made it fat and
Not greasy and never tired of eating for a long time, which shows the scientificity of Zuixian duck in eating methods.
The above is a detailed introduction about Zuixian duck joining. I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with a professional attitude http://www.zuixianya888.com

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

电话:13406416610(同微信号) 座机:400-996-6653 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区张庄路老屯茶城259号醉仙鸭鸡叉骨大王 
