

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2023-01-28 发布人:
Can gouty people eat drunk duck? You can eat Zuixian duck, but pay attention to a small amount of it, and pay attention to the time of consumption.
When the patient has gout and acute arthritis, when the level of uric acid is significantly increased, it is not suitable to eat Zuixian duck, because it contains a lot of oil and is rich in purine. A large amount of consumption can lead to an increase in the level of uric acid, which is not conducive to the end of the acute period and the control of uric acid level.
When the gout patient enters the stable period and the uric acid level is controlled in the normal range, the Zuixian duck can be eaten in a small amount and at a low frequency.
Gout is caused by the increase of blood uric acid in the body, which further forms gout crystals and deposits to the joints, forming local joint inflammation. Food that may cause the increase of blood uric acid can cause gout. The food with high purine content will cause high blood uric acid, mainly meat, including beef and mutton, duck, fish, etc. Drunken duck has a relatively high purine content and belongs to high purine food, so gout patients are not recommended to eat.
In addition, ducks are oily, which may increase the risk of hyperlipidemia, while hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia and high body weight constitute metabolic syndrome, which often complement each other and affect the metabolism of fat and sugar in the body.
Duck meat belongs to the diet with moderate purine content. After eating, gout patients may increase the concentration of blood uric acid level in the body, and aggravate the symptoms of gout joint redness, swelling, heat and pain. In the acute stage of gout, it is recommended that patients should mainly eat low purine diet, including green vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, etc., and ensure that they can drink about 2L of water every day. In the remission stage, they can eat moderate purine content diet, mainly chicken, duck, beef, pork, beans and bean products.
It is not recommended that gout patients eat too much food with high purine content, especially in the period of gout attack. It is recommended to eat food with low purine content, such as milk, vegetables, fruit, eggs. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.zuixianya888.com Ask!

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

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