

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2023-02-28 发布人:
Drunken duck is a kind of duck marinated with soy sauce, rice wine, marinade and other condiments. It tastes tender, mellow and delicious. It is a very good food and is loved by diners.
To make Zuixian duck, high-quality raw materials and exquisite cooking skills are essential. First of all, choose fresh duck, which is tender and smooth, and is very popular with diners. Secondly, put the duck in the marinade. The proportion of the marinade is very important. You can add rice wine with refined soy sauce and seasoning. After that, put the salted duck into boiling water and scald it, and then cook it for a moment until its skin turns red and its meat becomes tender and smooth, and then cool it and put it into the refrigerator for refrigeration to complete the whole dish.
Cooking skill is very important. It is the key to determine the delicious degree of Zuixian Duck. First of all, put the duck into boiling water to scald it, and pay attention to the temperature, not too hot, otherwise the duck will become hard and tight, affecting the taste. Secondly, remember to add marinade when frying, which can make the duck fully absorb the seasoning and make its taste more mellow. After that, put it into the refrigerator for refrigeration, which can make the taste of the duck more tender and make the diner enjoy a better taste.
There are several points that must be paid attention to when making drunken duck, such as:
The quality of duck should be selected to ensure its taste and nutritional value. Secondly, when cooking, we should pay attention to the temperature to make the duck tender and delicious. Drunken duck can be refrigerated in the refrigerator to make it more delicious.
In general, Zuixian duck is delicious and nutritious. If you want to make Zuixian duck well, you should not only choose the best raw materials, but also master the cooking skills, so as to ensure its taste and nutritional value and let the diners enjoy it. Please contact us if you need http://www.zuixianya888.com Come on!

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

电话:13406416610(同微信号) 座机:400-996-6653 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区张庄路老屯茶城259号醉仙鸭鸡叉骨大王 
