

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2024-03-22 发布人:


Choosing a good location for investment in Drunken Immortal Duck franchise stores: Location can be said to be a prerequisite for investing in shops, and it is also the primary condition for determining the value of shops. The bustling downtown area of the city may be a place where shops are very expensive, while in remote and sparsely populated street facing storefronts, we can only call them warehouses, with values even lower than those of residential properties in the same area.


Although the shops in bustling areas are good, the prices are also extremely high. If a shop is purchased at a high cost and other conditions are not good, resulting in low rent, the investment return rate will be greatly reduced. A shop that may not be as good as a slightly inferior location, but has better conditions in all other aspects and good rental income.



When investing in a small shop, it is important to choose a storefront facing the street. When investing in a storefront, it is important to purchase storefronts that are easily visible and accessible to people. It is better to be on the main street than on the small street, and on the intersection, it is better to be on both sides of the street than on one side. The side with more people walking is better. Of course, all of this must be treated flexibly. In the market, shops are another form, perhaps facing only an aisle. This type of investment not only considers the above principles, but also needs to consider other factors from multiple perspectives.


When investing in a Drunken Immortal Duck shop, you should choose a place with a high flow of people: you can stand in front of the shop you want to invest in and count how many pedestrians pass by during each time period. The more pedestrians pass by, the greater the potential of the store. Generally, vehicles passing by are not counted, as walking individuals are the main buyers. However, it should be noted that there are definitely not many people passing by, so there will be more people buying things. Purchasing behavior is closely related to many factors. The flow of people can only be used as an important indicator for purchasing shops


When investing in Drunken Duck franchise stores, it is important to choose a convenient location: a good service must be easily accessible to those who need it. For example, in the furniture market, if there is unfavorable traffic nearby, how can transportation be carried out? A good restaurant, but there is not enough parking space; A very good shopping mall, but to reach it, you must pass through two underground aisles. Can such a shop be satisfactory?


When investing in a small shop, it is important to choose a good pavement: the pavement should not be lower than the road in front of the door. A sunken pavement may not feel good, and it is not advisable to climb several steps to enter the pavement, which may cause inconvenience. It is better to be at the same height as the road or slightly one or two levels higher. Don't underestimate this point. Based on past experience, for every two steps taken, the value of the pavement will decrease by 10%.

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

电话:13406416610(同微信号) 座机:400-996-6653 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区张庄路老屯茶城259号醉仙鸭鸡叉骨大王 
