

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2024-03-14 发布人:


Drunken Immortal Duck is carefully selected from dozens of traditional Chinese medicine ingredients, scientifically formulated, marinated at regular intervals, and made under low temperature and high pressure. It has a fragrant aroma, a fresh color, and a beautiful taste. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and has a crispy and refreshing taste. After eating, it has digestive, spleen strengthening, and appetizing properties. Strong tendons and bones, beautiful and beautiful, with multiple anti-aging effects.


From the perspective of methods, the Drunken Immortal Duck can be divided into selecting ducks, washing ducks, changing knives, cooking ingredients, and other ingredients for cold pickling. The steps to make Drunken Immortal Duck include thawing, cutting, boiling, pickling, cleaning, drying, serving, and removing from the pot. The next day, you can wash the marinated duck and fry it, but just selecting the ingredients is a big skill. Each ingredient is divided into good and bad, and those who don't understand spices can't even make that flavor by holding the recipe.



Tea oil is a type of oil that grows naturally and is mainly composed of monounsaturated fatty acids. It is rich in various vitamins and can lower blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar in the human body, preventing the occurrence of diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and heart disease. Tea oil also contains a physiologically active ingredient called squalene, which has an aroma. Duck: According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, it is referred to as the "immortal bird" or the head of a hundred birds, and is abbreviated as "duck". The character "duck" consists of the characters "A" and "bird", and is called a first-class bird. Eating it can clear heat and detoxify, tonify the kidneys and yang, replenish deficiency and qi, dispel wind and nourish the lungs. "Tea oil duck" is a naturally made and healthy dish, with an orange yellow color and a delicious and lingering taste. Drunken Immortal Duck, famous for its fragrance, popular for its fragrance, and popular in the market for its fragrance. Drunken Immortal Duck not only smells and eats fragrant, but also has a certain nutritional and health value due to its formula containing more than 20 types of Chinese herbs, making it a good choice for consumption and entrepreneurship.


The Drunken Immortal Duck Machine uses a traditional Beijing style deep frying oven, which is used for high-temperature frying to achieve the desired effect of crispy skin, tender meat, delicious taste, and crispy bones.


Key points for operating the Drunken Immortal Duck machine:


(1) To be compatible with applicable three-phase electricity. Drunken Immortal Duck machines generally use three-phase electricity, which cannot meet the needs of ordinary household electricity. You can ask an electrician to help with the renovation, and the general cost is less than a hundred yuan to achieve the goal. For gas electric dual-purpose machines, the selection requirements for gas to liquefied gas are as above.


(2) When frying ducks, you should first put your body down and place the neck and upper part of the duck outside. The purpose of doing this is because the neck part of the duck is more easily cooked compared to the abdomen. If placed together in an oil pan, it will cause the part to become burnt black, which is not conducive to displaying the overall beauty.


(3) When the oil temperature meets the requirements, continuous frying can be carried out, and the oil in the tank will continue to rise. It is necessary to frequently add oil to maintain the balance of the oil in the Drunken Duck Stove tank and prevent it from overflowing.


This article is provided by Drunken Duck for assistance. For more related content, please click on http://www.zuixianya888.com I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

电话:13406416610(同微信号) 座机:400-996-6653 地址:山东省济南市槐荫区张庄路老屯茶城259号醉仙鸭鸡叉骨大王 
