

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2021-09-07 发布人:
Zuixian duck, salted duck, roast duck, salted duck... There are countless delicious dishes about "duck", but how much do you know about the nutritional value and dietary taboos of duck meat?
俗语说“秋高鸭肥”,当年新鸭养到秋季,肉质壮嫩肥美,营养丰富,能及时补充人体必 需的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质。同时鸭肉性寒凉,特别适合体热上火者食用。
As the saying goes, "autumn high duck is fat". When the new duck is raised to autumn, the meat is strong, tender, fat and nutritious, and can timely supplement the protein, vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. At the same time, the duck is cold and cold, which is especially suitable for those who are hot and angry.
So choose duck for autumn diet. For duck lovers, eating duck meat in autumn has become a dietary tradition.
1. Nutritional analysis
Duck is rich in nutrition. It not only enjoys the reputation of "no better than duck in the beautiful food of Beijing" and "no seat without duck". At the same time, it is also praised by the Institute of traditional Chinese medicine: "nourish the Yin of the five zang organs, clear the heat of deficiency and labor, replenish blood and water, nourish the stomach and generate fluid
Duck meat is cold, sweet and salty. It returns to the spleen, stomach, lung and kidney meridians. It can greatly replenish asthenia and fatigue, nourish the Yin of the five zang organs, clear the heat of asthenia and fatigue, replenish blood and water, nourish the stomach and generate fluid. Treat physical weakness, body deficiency after illness, malnutrition and edema.
The fat content of duck is very moderate, about 7.5%, which is higher than chicken and lower than pork, and it is evenly distributed in the whole body.
The fatty acids in duck meat are mainly unsaturated fatty acids and low-carbon saturated fatty acids. Therefore, its melting point is low, about 35 ℃, which is conducive to our absorption and digestion.
Duck meat contains more B vitamins and vitamin E than other meat. It can effectively resist beriberi, neuritis and a variety of inflammation, as well as anti-aging.
Duck meat is rich in niacin, which is one of the two important coenzymes in the human body. It has a protective effect on patients with heart diseases such as myocardial infarction.
2. Suitable population
It is suitable for people with heat and fire in the body; People with low fever, weak constitution, loss of appetite, dry stool and edema eat better.
At the same time, it is suitable for those with poor nutrition, postpartum disease, body deficiency, night sweat, spermatorrhea, women's less menstruation, dry throat and thirst.
3. Food taboo
You should eat less for vegetarian deficiency cold, cold caused by cold, cold pain in the stomach, clear and sparse diarrhea, low back pain, cold dysmenorrhea, obesity, arteriosclerosis and chronic enteritis.

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

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