

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2022-01-11 发布人:
Duck meat is one of the meat we often eat. Meat and poultry foods are mostly warm, but duck meat belongs to cool food, which has the functions of tonifying deficiency and generating fluid, nourishing yin and moistening lung, diuresis and detumescence. There are many ways of duck meat, including beer duck, roast duck, five flavor duck, soy sauce duck, salted duck and so on. No matter which way, it is very delicious.
Someone asked whether the braised duck with soy sauce was braised in pieces or whole? In fact, it is suitable to stew half of the duck meat in a domestic way. Although it is easy to taste when cut into small pieces, it tastes hard and firewood. However, the whole duck meat is difficult to taste and is not suitable for family production. Now let's share the specific methods of soy sauce duck. Follow the operation step by step. You can also easily make delicious soy sauce duck. Let's do it together.
Ingredients: duck, onion, ginger, garlic, scallion, sugar, star anise, cinnamon, Baijiu, soy sauce, salt, cooking oil.
Specific steps:
1. Prepare half a duck, clean it, put it into a large basin, pour an appropriate amount of salt, apply it by hand and marinate it for 20 minutes; Prepare and clean other required ingredients, cut ginger into small pieces, garlic into small pieces after removing the skin, onion into small pieces, and half an onion into small pieces for standby;
2. Start the pot, pour an appropriate amount of edible oil into the pot, heat the oil, put in the pickled duck meat, fry it slowly over medium and low heat, fry the fat oil in the duck skin, control the oil and put it out for standby when the surface of the duck skin is slightly burnt yellow;
3. Put the oil in the pan and pour the oil into the chopped green onion, ginger, garlic and onion. Stir fry the small flavor and stir fry the fragrant. Then add the small amount of sugar, star anise, fragrant leaf and cinnamon. Add a small amount of Baijiu to the right amount of alcohol. Turn to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes; After 15 minutes, turn the duck over, cover the pot and continue to simmer for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, pick out the spicy ingredients in the pot;
4. Open the fire to collect the soup, scoop up the soup with a spoon and pour it on the duck. After the soup is thick, you can turn off the fire and get out of the pot;
5. Take out the duck and let it cool a little. Cut the duck into small pieces and set the plate. Then pour the remaining soup in the pot on the duck. The sauce flavored duck is ready. It tastes delicious and does not taste greasy at all.
1. The skin of duck should be fried with oil so that it will not be greasy and taste better.
2. When collecting the juice, pour the soup on the duck constantly, so that the duck can absorb the soup more fully.
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