

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2022-11-03 发布人:
Drunken immortal duck is made with a special stove with high temperature and pressure, so how much can the oil temperature of Drunken immortal duck be reached?
Under normal circumstances, the oil temperature of 120~170 ℃ is suitable for cooking. One of the important reasons for the delicious taste of Zuixian Duck is that it uses high temperature and high pressure to cook the seasoning and the flavor of duck meat, so as to achieve the ideal effect of crisp skin, tender meat, fragrant mouth and crisp bone. Under high pressure, the oil temperature for making Zuoxian Duck can reach more than 150 ℃. When Zuoxian Duck joins in, it will also explain the situation under various oil temperatures.
Drunken immortal duck
When frying ducks, you should first put your body down and put the neck and above of the duck outside. The reason for this is that the neck of the duck is easier to ripen than the abdomen. If the duck is put in the oil pan together, the part will be burnt black, which is not conducive to the overall aesthetic display.
When the oil temperature meets the requirements, it can be continuously fried, and the oil in the tank will keep rising. It is necessary to fill the oil frequently to keep the oil in the tank of the drunken duck stove balanced and not overflow.

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

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