

来源:>醉仙鸭 日期:2023-03-23 发布人:
The Drunken Xianya franchise store believes that when using duck meat in summer, it is recommended to use stewed soup, which will absorb nutrients better. When using stewed duck soup, it is also good to join some vegetables such as winter melon, radish, or lotus root to make soup. The following are two delicious duck dishes introduced by the Zuixian Duck franchise. One dish of duck soup tastes great.
Duck Soup with Fresh Mushrooms
"Old duck soup is a soup that we are familiar with. When dining out or at home, we usually have drunk this soup.". So how do you cook the old duck soup well? First of all, it is necessary to prepare an old duck that has been killed, washed, and cleaned, with a suitable amount of winter melon, fresh tea tree mushrooms, old ginger, red dates, and wolfberry.
The method is not complicated, and in the editor's opinion, it is also very simple. Slice the old ginger slices, chop the duck meat into pieces, pour it into a dry pan and turn it over with the ginger slices (note: there is no need to add oil here). Then put it in boiling water and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. After scooping it out, rinse off the impurities with cold water. Put the duck cubes and cold water into a pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and then simmer for about two hours. After that, join in fresh tea tree mushrooms, Chinese wolfberry, winter melon, etc., and simmer for another 30 minutes or an hour at a low heat. A delicious old duck soup is complete, and you can gradually enjoy it.
Efficacy: It can enhance appetite, accelerate the digestion process, replenish blood, and promote hydration and detumescence.
Duck meat can not only compensate for excessive consumption of nutrients, but also eliminate the discomfort caused by boiling heat. It is an important diet in summer. Although duck meat is rich in nutrients, it is also important to pay attention to the following points when eating it:
Do not eat too much smoked and grilled duck meat, as duck meat processed in this way will produce benzopyrene substances, which have a carcinogenic effect.
Duck meat is a fatty food, so don't eat too much. Especially obese and arteriosclerosis people should eat less.
People with colds should not eat duck meat. People with colds should eat more spicy foods, such as ginger and garlic.
People with chronic enteritis should also be careful when eating duck meat, as duck meat is rich in fat and can lead to increased enteritis and diarrhea. For more relevant content, please visit our website http://www.zuixianya888.com Consult and understand!

产品:   鸭阵醉仙鸭 醉仙鸭加盟 鸭阵熟食

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